
воскресенье, 2 мая 2010 г.

The wet spot


Hyperhidrosis, or excessive sweating - a problem not only medical but also social. It prevents people in their professional and personal life, often leads to neurosis and even depression.

Very damp.

Actually, for a person to perspire naturally and helpful. This way your body carries heat regulation, are protected from external heat or internal heat. Moreover, together with then are ejected accumulated toxins.

However, all is good in moderation. If the sweating is not associated with increased body temperature, to talk about hyperhidrosis. It is common and local. Total sweating, especially if the cold sweat on his body at night - a clear cause for concern. After all, it is - a symptom of many diseases, such as nerve disorders, autonomic system, some infectious or endocrine disorders (diabetes, hyperthyroidism, etc.).

If the pot in three streams combined with the frequent pulse, a sudden redness or pallor person, most likely, the person was a victim of vascular dystonia. When in addition to wet hands and feet are concerned chest pain - should apply to a cardiologist, because so often manifested cardiac ailments. Accompanying symptoms such as pain and impaired urination - a reason for the urgent visit to the nephrologist for kidney examinations. Sweats, accompanied by pain in the joints, often points to rheumatism, and if, together with high humidity rights pestering cough and pain in the lungs, it can be suspected tuberculosis.

Places - Air

However, if wet during the day are only the foot, palm or armpit (sometimes the face and scalp), then run by doctors not worth it. There is no specific diagnosis and is not required, it is clear - it is a local hyperhidrosis. Such a feature have 3% of people on earth. Their sweat glands are not working normally, but in the strong regime, highlighting the sweat is not an increase in body temperature, and when they want, and, as a rule, in moments of excitement.

Often local hyperhidrosis is hereditary, but half the fathers are not to blame. For some people, this problem is related to increased excitability of the central nervous system. It is noticed that most choleric, phlegmatic and melancholic than suffer from excessive sweating. Excessive humidity in some places - not the disease. And if a person does not experience this state of great discomfort, you can not particularly worried. But if local sweating bothers you in life and career, then this unwelcome gift of nature better get rid of.

Let's start with a small

Baths with oak bark and other herbs in the drying of the skin are effective no more than self-deception. Sedatives, bring more tangible benefits, if we do not take into account such of their side effects such as drowsiness and reduced concentration. A widely used drugs previously on the basis of formaldehyde often lead to allergization skin and irritation. Therefore, to adopt all these measures are not worth it.

The most famous and budgets sweat - antiperspirants. But they are only suited to those who have no real hyperhidrosis. Active substance antiperspirants - aluminum salts alyumohloridy blocking the ducts of sweat glands. In conventional deodorants their content does not exceed 2-3%. But in the special medical antiperspirant alyumohloridov concentration reaches 10-15%, which increases their efficiency. After 3-5 years of regular use, some people develop atrophy of the sweat glands in the armpit - and then a nasty problem disappears by itself. But it is important to observe special rules: use the tools you need only once a week and applied only on dry skin.

Another possibility is to drain the hands and armpits - iontophoresis, a method that uses useful properties of a weak electric current discharge. This is such a special bath in which you want half an hour 1-2 times a week to keep their hands. Their advantage is that they are suitable for home use. The efficacy of this procedure with mild palmar hyperhidrosis - 80%, it is suitable for underarms less positive result in this case will not exceed 30%. At the same time to use iontophoresis to regularly all my life. In addition, this method is not suitable for people with pacemakers or other metal implants in the body can not use it during pregnancy.

Home - dry!

Problem solved and hyperhidrosis surgically. Even 10 years ago it was the operational methods of treatment were considered the most effective.

If underarm sweating can be applied curettage - subcutaneous curettage of sweat glands. The operation is performed under local anesthesia through a puncture in the skin glands are removed using a special spoon. Excellent effect occurs almost immediately, but after 2-3 months, when the sprout new cancer, the result may be impaired. Repeated curettage enhances the effect of the method, but more than two times to resort to this method is not necessary - or there cicatricial process. Another option - complete excision of the zone of hyperhidrosis in the armpits. His minus - a large scar.

The radical method - sympathectomy - guarantees a lifetime effect of dryness. A puncture in the chest or back under general anesthesia introduced tools with which intersects or removed sympathetic trunk - the nerve responsible for sweating. And all would be good if not side effects: while the palms, armpits or feet after such a procedure become dry, but comes more sweating torso. Some patients may decrease heart rate. A very significant side effect of this operation - problems in the intimate sphere. Although recently developed safe for men options transactions.

Poison as rescue

The last 10 years in the treatment of local hyperhidrosis was a revolution. It involves the application of botulinum toxin drugs - drugs that are struggling with in cosmetology mimic wrinkles. The efficacy of this procedure with hyperhidrosis of the armpits is 90%, palms - 70%, somewhat worse "drainage" amenable to the foot.

The whole session takes about twenty minutes. Pre-impact area (usually under the arms and hands) is processed cream-anesthetic. Despite the relief of pain and discomfort still there - the medicine itself rather poignant (especially painful injections in the palm). But nothing can be done - will have to wait. Women are better not to carry out the procedure at the time of menstruation, when the pain threshold lowered.

In each armpit is an average of 15-20 injections. On hand will require more than 50 injections, but many patients have guessed how to save - chopping Botox only one, working his right hand. True, "drainage" of palms with botulinum toxin is one drawback - since the drug relaxes the muscles, the thumb becomes weaker. The effect of dryness is manifested within two to five days after the injection. In the first few days can not go to bath and sauna, as well as going to the solarium - otherwise the effect of Botox will end quickly. To some extend "desiccant" effect, it is recommended drink away the course of calcium preparations. Further manipulation can be repeated.

In order to reduce the activity of the sympathetic system, and hence reduce excessive sweating:

- Give up smoking;
- Limit the amount of acute and spicy food;
- With tea and coffee, go for fruit drinks, juices and fruit drinks.

Check yourself
Local hyperhidrosis say the following symptoms:

- Sweating is the same on both sides (either hands or armpits);
- Moisture of the skin in problem areas increases with excitement or stress;
- Night sweats are not observed;
- During the day the body does not sweat;
- A local sweating persists for at least 6 months.

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