
суббота, 1 мая 2010 г.

Effects of various drugs

The most consumed drugs, scientists are divided into three groups:

Euphoric, and opiates (opium, morphine, codeine, etc.).

Fantastic - hallucinogens (Indian hemp, LSD, etc.).

Psychostimulants (amphetamine, ephedrine, etc.).

Euphoric drugs at some time create the illusion of liberation from earthly constraints and problems. Psychic dependence on this group of drugs sometimes develops after one or two injections. In his first reception of morphine substances remain in the body is relatively long. But with repeated use of enzymes are activated, destroy morphine, and to produce the same effect, the dose must increase, so within a day drug addict man several times introduces a drug.

A few weeks later a fatal dose for ordinary people in the addict has been operating normally. Pleasant illusory sensations has lasted long, and soon the patient is in an irreversible and almost incessant state of abstinence (breaking). There are psychoses. Can Epilepsy.

Abstinence runs very hard. " It takes her 5-6-day, but insomnia can last for a month or more. Fear has always nightfall, as tormented by nightmares. In this regard, patients have resorted to barbiturates or other sleeping pills, and this often leads to psychosis. In the later stages of drug addiction can be lost memory on current events.
Fantastic drugs. This is basically a drug-free hemp. The most common of these-hashish. In effect it is similar to opium. Smoking cannabis causes first motor and verbal stimulation with illusions and hallucinations, then - drowsiness, lethargy and sleep. Prolonged use of cannabis affects all the endocrine glands, especially sex, kidney and liver.

The researchers found that hashish, lightning effect on the central nervous system and the cerebral hemispheres of the brain, can cause sudden swings from ecstasy to nightmarish hallucinations.
After one or two years after the start of hashish patients lose their attachment to the family, stop working, do not follow them, begin to steal.

For a fantastic group of drugs is and LSD. This substance is relatively easily synthesized in clandestine laboratories, and begin to use more and more. However, it is particularly strong and cunning. One ounce of it - 28,3 g, divided in half, can produce hallucinations in three hundred thousand people.

The consequences of a single administration of the drug LSD could be suicide, depression and as a result - a long stay in a psychiatric hospital. It is known that 20 minutes after ingestion of the organiza ¬ nism can no longer find any traces of the drug. Nevertheless, its effect can occur days or even months.

LSD leads to dysfunction of orientation, spatial perception and self; delirium accompanied by fear, depression, suicidal. This drug causes severe deformities of the fetus, mutation of chromosomes. Children of addicts are born mostly in underdeveloped hands and nogami.K fantastic group of drugs applies psilobitsin (psilobitsinovye mushrooms). According to its impacts and implications are similar to LSD, mushrooms, these are called, even the natural analogue of LSD.
Under the influence of this group of drugs people have confidence in their ability to walk on water, fly through the air, and that some are trying to ETS ¬ lat. How many of them already - flown away from the balconies of the other world!

Psychostimulants. For this group of drugs is characterized by the ability to remove fatigue and drowsiness, to suppress hunger. Most dopin ¬ gov illegally used in sports, belongs to this group. They increase physical activity and give a sense of euphoria. But very soon in the absence of the drug developed depressed mood, sometimes with a tendency to suicide. Over time, this state prevails and drug use.

For example, crack triggers panic. Panic attacks may continue after the patient stopped taking the drug for a few more months. Two or three doses of the drug can make the young man impotent. From a tightening of crack can stop the heart, even a trained athlete, as the drug accumulates in the blood immediately above the critical dose. From the crack suddenly passed away football star Don Rogers of California and the famous basketball player-hero Leon Byes.

A very small gap between the dose that causes euphoria (0,01-0,03 g), and the dose at which a person dies (0,05 g), with cocaine.
Younger students are attached to drugs, often starting with "wheels" (barbiturates), which are more or less cheap. After taking the drug a person becomes like a drunk. As you become accustomed tablets need more. Then they begin to take alcohol, getting a hellish mix. The consequences have been tragic.

Every third death of a drug addict is due to poisoning "wheels", especially if they are mixed with alcohol. Barbiturates cause bouts of depression, and this can result in suicide. Muzhchin. / dependent on barbiturates, waiting for impotence, women - as a rule, miscarriages and infertility.

We will not characterize the other drugs in this group, it suffices to say that their effect on the psyche and physical health destructive.

In general, people who inject drugs, there are two types of intoxication: euphoric and apathetic. When the patient euphoric loquacious, agile, prone to jokes, smeshliv, intrusive, seeking to establish contact, to engage others in conversation. Pale skin, shine eyes, uncertain gait. The picture is similar to alcohol intoxication, but without the smell of alcohol.

When apathetic intoxication patient becomes sluggish, fenced off from others, indifferent. The questions are answered in monosyllables. He is immersed in a world of their experiences and feelings. Perhaps the hallucinations and everything around him seems to be unrealistic, having no relation to him.
Along with all the specific drugs and have common properties.
First. All drug addicts at a certain stage there is pathology, called "switching off the brakes." This is the official medical term. Fail even unconditional innate reflexes. A drug addict has decided to test this: if he can keep on his outstretched hands of the child and does not omit the rest. He went to the balcony of a nine-house with a baby. I held a minute or two and threw it on the pavement - the brakes did not work.
Second. Unhappy slaves syringe, passing the initial stage, fall into an inexplicable state of agony of fear, accompanied by great suffering.
Third. No wonder the third stage of the disease called addiction original. If addicts do not find the strength of will to stop, they have one outcome - after 4-5 years of death

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