
воскресенье, 2 мая 2010 г.

Seven habits that rob us of power


First: a regular lack of sleep

According to statistics, 60 of the last century the average person puts in sleep 8 hours now - about 6,5. We have less sleep because of the accelerated pace of life, are forced into an increasing number of cases. But beyond that, the number of people suffering from sleep problems (eg, because of the stress).

Many try to compensate for the lack of sleep on the weekend, indulge in the so-called "sleeping bulimia" - ie, riprap until mid-Saturday. A special benefit that does not work. Researchers from Northwestern University (Illinois) have shown that lack of sleep, accumulated within a few days, can not be compensated for once. The fact is that the lack of sleep during the day the body can not compensate for the damage the next day. Systematic failure to obtain "compensation" for a few days in a row, can cause irritability, depressed mood and obesity.

Second: the constant attempts to lose weight through diet

Lovers sit on a diet can be divided into three groups. Some of them (and minority) actually managed to, sitting on a diet, leave overweight. Others can not do it - and they leave their attempts to restrict their diet. Still others, without sleep and rest, pick up a new diet or start one and the same every time from the beginning.

That they are stubborn lovers diets are at risk. They always have a sense of guilt and frustration over unfulfilled plans for weight loss, they are trying to punish myself more and more strict diet, suffer from constant feelings of hunger (and often - a lack of essential substances). As a result, they were again thwarted. No matter how trite, but will once again repeat: The diet should be balanced, and attempts to lose weight successfully only if they are accompanied by physical exertion.

Third: chronic pain

Some people who experience chronic pain for years put off a visit to the doctor for reasons such as: "Today, it seems easier - can it ever stop aching?".

However, studies show that among patients with depression, post-traumatic syndrome and chronic pain is a certain similarity. This so-called dezaptatsionnaya reaction, which is expressed in muscle weakness, decreased appetite and libido, reduced physical activity, restless sleep and reduced concentration. Such a person feeling constantly exhausted, depleted, and this greatly reduces the quality of life.

Fourth: the habit of drinking coffee in large quantities

A cup of coffee adds vivacity, but liter of coffee every day, this takes courage. It's simple: there is an effect of habituation, for courage is required increasing the dose, which, in the end, it is impossible to constantly increase. In addition, the consumption of beverages kofeinosoderzhaschih enhances dehydration. Those who are difficult to abandon the habit of drinking a few cups of coffee a day, it makes sense to combine them with drinking water during the day. However, those who do without coffee, water also does not hurt. Nutritionists recommend drinking 8 glasses of water daily.

Fifth: the regular method of energy drinks

"Energy" should not become a regular morning drink. Given this rather powerful stimulant, a person receives a loading dose of caffeine, taurine and ginseng often. After such a mobilization of internal reserves, the body requires the restoration and recreation. At particular risk are the liver, nervous and cardiovascular systems. And with regular admission of Power is addictive, and "invigorating drink" over time invigorates less and less.

Sixth: the lack of oxygen

The lack of oxygen from the permanent residence in the stuffy indoors slows metabolism and causes fatigue. By "more wander after work, alas, will benefit not everyone. Therefore, we can search out the other: firstly, there are oxygen cocktails, and secondly, you can change the breathing technique. Throughout the day, we breathe the surface, making shallow breaths. It should be given at least a few minutes a day to "to exist a" making slow, deep breaths, or go to a relaxation breathing techniques.

Seventh: lack of movement

Stiffness does not lead to savings of forces: the muscles lose their tone without load, eventually disappears, and energy. Furthermore: physical activity reduces not only the risk of cardiovascular disease, but also the risk of depression and was found to affect life expectancy. Researchers at the University of South Carolina for 12 years, were monitoring a group of 2600 elderly people. It was found that physical activity affects the life expectancy is much stronger than even the presence of a normal body mass index. In other words, whether full or thin people: if it is a lot of time during the day is spent in motion, he will live longer.

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